Steven created the futuristic industrial design for the Nixie wearable drone that optimizes features such as the buttons, camera, red LED indicator light, and white LED for flash and illumination.  The yellow color features let the user know the camera is facing him.  The blue features represent the rear.
Responsibilities: Industrial Design and Concept development.
Materials: High-density foam, acrylic, and urethane rubber.
Blue signifies the back of the drone, and yellow signifies the front.
Here are some prototypes and mock-ups of different arm mechanism concepts.

Intel Make It Wearable presentation

Nixie Presentation Display
The Presentation Display was designed to show the wear ability and fly ability of Nixie.  A LED light strip was integrated into the base of the Display to illuminate and high light the polished top edge of the acrylic sheet  implying flight from the user’s wrist to the holding flight position.
Responsibilities: Industrial Design, Concept development, vendor management and Product Design
Materials:  High density foam, acrylic and urethane rubber.

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