Does this sound like your company?
Most of our clients are start-ups and small- to medium-sized companies producing products.  These companies are mainly located in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay areas and other parts of the country.  They design and manufacture products to meet customers' needs in diverse markets, including consumer electronics, computers, communications, electronic industrial instruments, consumer goods, sports, architectural lighting, wireless devices, and equipment.
Many of these companies are considered top-tier in their respective markets. They know their industry and realize that to stay competitive, new products must be developed and successfully introduced into the market. Building a solid brand identity and increasing market share is essential for the company’s success.
A few are startups or young companies with exciting new product ideas and emerging technologies. These small companies are filled with energetic and passionate employees who believe in their companies’ products and vision.
What do these companies all have in common?  They do not have the in-house expertise to create a product brand identity based on a creative industrial design.  With an innovative industrial design, a new product can stand out in a marketplace filled with competing products vying for customers’ attention and money.

Sorra LED PAR Lamp

Challenges Confronting Our Clients        
Do these scenarios sound familiar?
Your company is just starting, brimming with talented people developing new and exciting technologies.  You want the new product to succeed but wonder how to create its appearance so it will be exciting and captivating.  Will the product industrial design inspire customer confidence in your new product and its technology enough to part ways with their hard-earned cash to purchase it?
For the last 18 months, your company’s star product has been generating robust sales and revenue, but lately, there are indications that the product sales have peaked.  Perspective customers say they love your product specifications, but it looks outdated compared to the competition, even though the competitor’s specs are not as good.  How do you recapture their confidence in your product and company to show you are still an industrial leader?
A senior executive stops you in the hallway to show you a new product announcement from the top competitor in your company’s market that is generating a lot of favorable press and reviews.  He wants to know, “Will our new product generate that kind of excitement?”  You wonder how that other company continues to produce innovative products while your company doesn’t.
These are just a few of the many challenges our clients are encountering.  While each company is different and each project is unique, there are common obstacles that we understand that must be addressed for these projects to be successful.  We are here to assist you by creating tailored solutions to these challenges.

Finelite PLS Power Supple ID Rendering

Ideal Clients
Successful traits. Clients most likely to be successful working with Shiozaki Design have some or all of the following traits.
Embrace Collaboration. The key to a successful collaboration with Shiozaki Design is creating a work environment that thrives on collaboration and transparency. Upholding the highest standards of business ethics and integrity and delivering on promises are also essential.
Open To Change.  We work with companies that are not hindered by the “We can’t do that” mindset.  New ideas or concepts can be explored if they provide a better solution that leads to a better product.
Quality is Key. Your company's commitment to delivering top-notch products and services is a testament to your understanding of the value of well-designed, high-quality, value-added products. This commitment enhances your customers' productivity and satisfaction and turns them into your best advocates.
Commitment to Innovation. Innovation takes time. They plan time into the project schedule for new ideas to be explored and incubated promptly.
No Hidden Agendas. If there are hidden agendas, the project will not reach its full potential.  The goals, expectations, and information critical to the project’s success are identified and communicated to us.

Finelite PLS Power Supply

Next Step
Now that you have a better idea about what to expect from us, our values, a glimpse of our approach, and what makes us unique, visit the ID Portfolio and UX Portfolio to see examples of our work.  
Feel free to contact us at (650) 508+0611 or
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